Dear Client,
With EU posting of workers directive being taken very seriously by the EU labour authorities it is increasingly important for our Clients to understand their obligations when relocating their employees from one country to another within Europe and to comply with the Posted Workers directive 96/71/EC.
Posted workers in France
We have prepared all necessary information in order to comply with requirements when posting workers to France.
Main new requirements of posted workers in France
The new rules of Posted workers EU concern:
- The extension of the “hard core”.
- The almost total application of the Labour Code from the 13th month of secondment.
- The reinforced application of the principle of equal treatment for seconded employees.
- The consecration of the principle of “Equal pay for equal work”.
- The strengthening of obligations for employers
We have created a document with all the Directive 96/71 EC new requirements. Inside this document you will see Posted Workers directives for other eres countries (Spain, France, Portugal Italy and the Netherlands).
See other EU posted workers countries requirements
We hope you find it helpful.
Team eres Relocation