Exciting announcement: our Quality Certification successfully renewed for 2024!

We’re thrilled to share the fantastic news that we’ve once again achieved the renewal of our quality certification for the year 2024! This renewal underscores our unwavering commitment to excellence and our dedication to maintaining the highest standards in everything we do. For another year running, we’ve met the stringent standards set by ISO 9001:2015 […]

Culture of success: Hiring on the basis of what people bring to internationalization


Insofar as internationalization tends to become increasingly significant, companies seek to align with this trend by expanding their business activities worldwide. This is a positive point for today’s businesses because this global expansion allows them to build a diversified team, rich in knowledge, capable of understanding and adapting to the cultural nuances of foreign markets. […]

Are you arriving in Paris? Our advice for settling in well in the City of Lights


Before Moving to Paris, Take Time to Learn French Culture and Local Customs Familiarize yourself with the French language, traditions, food and social etiquette. This will help you adapt more easily to life in Paris and integrate into the local community. France is a country with nearly 68 million inhabitants, including 2 million in Paris. […]



Eres Relocation France is happy to announce that it has acquired the French Destination Services company: A Good Start In France. The former owners of AGSIF, Michelle O’Brien and Susan Zeitouni, will remain as employees of eres France, providing continuity and experience for clients. A Good Start In France will bring a rich and varied […]

Our Commitment to Sustainable Development: New EcoVadis Score 2023-2024

Dear Clients, Partners, Colleagues, Friends, We are thrilled to present the results of our latest EcoVadis evaluation for the year 2023-2024, a pivotal step in our commitment to Sustainable Development! Following our initial assessment in 2022, where we received the Bronze medal with a global score of 49/100, we dedicated ourselves to strengthening our approach […]

Notre Engagement envers le Développement Durable: Nouveau Score EcoVadis 2023-2024

Chers Clients, Partenaires, Collègues, Amis, Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter les résultats de notre dernière évaluation EcoVadis pour l’année 2023-2024, une étape clé dans notre engagement en faveur du Développement Durable ! Après une première évaluation en 2022, pour laquelle nous avions reçu la médaille de bronze et un score global de 49/100, nous avons […]

The new world of human resources and international mobility

The world of Human Resources is experiencing deep changes due to factors such as globalization, technology, and the evolution of working conditions. The role of Human Resources is essential, as they are the ones who manage and facilitate the entire process of transferring to a new country and ensure a successful mobility policy, both for […]

Navigating Professional Mobility: Essential Steps for Olympic Games Relocation

Principaux aspects de la réinstallation

As the world gears up for the Paris Olympics Games, the focus is not just on the athletes and their performances, but also on the intricate logistics that make their participation possible. One of the most critical aspects of this process is professional mobility – the relocation of athletes, coaches, and support staff from their […]